The upcoming episode of Investigation Discovery's American Monster is all set to look into the brutal abuse and murder case of Ashley Scott, a Bossier City native whose husband, Jeffry Scott, allegedly beat her to death on Thanksgiving Day 2006. Though a seemingly normal case at first, investigations led authorities to discover a far deeper connection and an array of lost facts behind an apparently 'normal marriage.'

Titled Tell Me You Love Me, the upcoming episode of American Monster will take a deep look at the events leading up to and preceding the death of the 28-year-old high school teacher in Memphis. American Monster takes a look at cases where perpetrators or possible predators reside in plain sight as just another friendly neighbor or friend. Jeffrey Scott's case certainly seems to fit that bill.

Since this case is over a decade old and has had minimal media coverage in the years that followed, many may not know the true story of Ashley Scott. Read on to find out more about Ashley Scott and what happened to her.

Who was American Monster's latest focus, Ashley Scott?

Ashley Scott, formerly Ashley Pittman, was born on November 4, 1978. She grew up in Bossier City and completed her schooling at Parkway High School. Following this, she went to Ouachita Baptist University in Arkansas, where she met business major Jeffrey Scott. The couple fell in love and married soon after. They moved to Memphis, Tennessee, where Ashley thought that she would have the perfect life.

However, the good things about the marriage did not last long, as several revelations from the investigation into her death were revealed later on.

How did Ashley Scott die?

Ashley and Jeffrey Scott (Image via Andrew Douglas)

On the afternoon of November 23, 2006, Ashley's husband Jeffrey called 911 seeking help for his wife, who was reportedly "hurt and bleeding." According to sources, his friend, a doctor, was already present at the scene, giving her emergency CPR. She had a skull fracture and swelling in the brain, along with multiple other bruises on her body. The cause of her injury was reportedly narrowed down to extreme blunt force trauma by the authorities.

Ashley Scott was taken to a local hospital, but died a short time later. Following this, an inspection by doctors revealed some older injuries on Ashley's body, hinting at a pattern of abuse. After further investigation, authorities allegedly discovered a link to Jeffrey's pattern of abusive behavior.

Meanwhile, on the day of her death, Jeffrey testified that he and Ashley had gotten into an argument the night before the incident, which soon turned violent. He also allegedly claimed to have struck her 'once.' Furthermore, Jeffrey left her in the garage for about eight hours after the so-called 'argument.'

Jeffrey brought her inside in the morning and later shifted her to their bedroom, with Ashley being unconscious throughout. After this, he called his friend Dr. Robert McGee to come help his wife out.

Jeffrey was later convicted of second-degree murder and faced 15 to 25 years in prison.

More about American Monster's upcoming episode

The upcoming episode of American Monster, chronicling the death of Ashely Scott, will air on May 29, 2022. The episode is titled Tell Me You Love Me, and the synopsis for the same reads:

"Ashley Pittman thinks she hit the lottery marrying Jeffrey Scott, and he gives her a cushier life than the one she left behind in small-town Louisiana; however, behind closed doors, a secret soon turns deadly."

Bill Thomas worked as the director for this episode with a script from Bruce Kennedy.

New episodes of American Moster air at 09.00 pm ET on Investigations Discovery.

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