Randy Arozarena's story is one of perseverance and passion.
After arriving in Mexico on a small boat from Cuba, Arozarena quickly became connected to his new home. It was in Mexico where he and his ex-girlfriend welcomed their first daughter, Lia Antonella, into the world.
70% Win
70% Win
70% Win
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Together, the family passionately enjoys life, while supporting Arozarena throughout his Major League career.
"Memory of our anniversary of 6/11/2020, made by our little girl Luna Sofia, thank you we love you" - @randy_arozarenaOn November 13, 2020, Randy Arozarena and Cenelia Pinedo Blanco married at the Kantoyna Ranch near Mérida.
Cenelia is from Cartagena de Indias, a Colombian city on the Caribbean coast. In 2017 she earned her bachelor’s degree from Colombia’s National Open University in Bogota.
While there is no information about Cenelia's career, the Arozarena family has a combined net worth of $2.5 million. That number is expected to skyrocket once the Tampa Bay Rays superstar signs his next MLB contract.
A look at Randy Arozarena's MLB career so far
Randy Arozarena has had a great start to his MLB career, becoming only the second player in history to hit 20+ home runs in each of their first two seasons. The only other player to do that was Mike Trout.
"Now Randy Arozarena is signing autrographs during a pitching change. What a legend." - Ben VerlanderMany fans may have forgotten, but Arozarena made his MLB debut with the St. Louis Cardinals, playing 19 games for them in 2019. In early 2020, he was traded along with José Martínez and the Cardinals’ Competitive Balance Round A Draft Pick to the Tampa Bay Rays.
St. Louis received Matthew Liberatore, Edgardo Rodriguez, and the Rays’ Competitive Balance Round B Draft Pick.
Since then, Arozarena has become a fan favorite with the Rays, winning the 2020 ALCS MVP Award and the 2021 American League Rookie of the Year. Through 336 MLB games, the talented outfielder has hit 48 home runs with 171 RBIs and 58 stolen bases.
There have been several incredible stories and performances during the ongoing World Baseball Classic. One of these involves outfielder Randy Arozarena as he continues to cement himself as a superstar.
During a key matchup against Team Canada, Arozarena helped send Team Mexico to the second round, thanks to his 2-for-2, five RBI performance.
After defecting from his home country of Cuba in 2016, Randy Arozarena lived in Mexico for nearly a decade, playing in leagues across the country. Even after he signed with the St. Louis Cardinals on a $1.25 million deal, Arozarena and his family have maintained their residence in Mérida, Mexico.
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