It seems that the longer you stare at the unfortunate Balenciaga Spring 2023 ad campaign featuring children posing with bondage-inspired plush teddy bear purses, the eerier it gets. Aside from the obvious s*xualization of children, other themes associated with the imagery are thought to include Satan worship and human sacrifice.

Some people have found another possible theory that attempts to explain what the high-end luxury brand tried to achieve by publishing this campaign. This time, we take a look at the small white rabbit seen in some of the images.

The white rabbit has cropped up in several pictures (image via Twitter)

This theory suggests the involvement of Qanon, an extreme right-wing group that is infamous for embracing several unsubstantiated beliefs, including the claim that Donald Trump was being attacked by Satan worshippers.

Balenciaga's alleged covert use of a white rabbit symbol in their ad campaign, and an investigation into its possible meaning

The Balenciaga ad campaign featured a variety of images, including teddy bears dressed in BDSM-style outfits, court papers discussing child pornography law, and caution tape that says 'Baal,' referring to a demon, with the new focus being on a small white rabbit doll sitting on a table.

The white rabbit in The Matrix (L) and in Alice in Wonderland (R) (image via Joana Ndoka)

According to one theory, this white rabbit is meant to represent the rabbit from the children's classic story Alice in Wonderland, an idea that has been adapted into many versions, including The Matrix. The idea revolves around the fact that if you follow the white rabbit, it will ultimately lead you to the truth, whatever it may be.

The white rabbit symbolizes one's curiosity and the lengths they are willing to go to satiate them. The idea in such theories is that if you follow this symbol long enough, you will discover 'depraved and degenerate' things

Another theory that has surpassed the preceding one is the Qanon conspiracy theory, which claims that the white rabbit is a symbol for the drug adrenochrome. Misinformation about this drug began to circulate in late 2020, sparking a lot of interest. It is, however, completely false.

According to misinformation, Adrenochrome is being harvested by liberal elites from the blood of kidnapped children. It claims that the drug offers the promise of immortality to those who consume it. The catch is that the chemical symbol of Adrenochrome, turned 90°, looks like a rabbit, hence adopting the name white rabbit. See below:

Adrenochrome is actually a byproduct of Adrenaline and one doesn’t need to drain the blood of kidnapped children to get it. Adrenochrome is normally produced as a byproduct of neuromelanin formation.

Qanon followers have confidently added the white rabbit as a problematic symbol in Balenciaga's controversial campaign. Meanwhile, Balenciaga has sued the company that made the campaign, North Six Inc., and the set designer, Nicholas Des Jardins, for $25 million.

They have also removed the images from their website and social media pages and apologized, claiming that they were not aware of the items because they were used "without approval."

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