As we are right in the middle of Super Bowl day, some of you might've noticed the internet suddenly getting flooded with owl images. It's a trend that appeared in the late '2000s that consists on people simply uploading images of owls as a pun for the Super Bowl. There is a funny word play with this pun that is funny to a lot of people. But in reality, it's a campaign of awareness to get to know the more than 250 owl species that exist around the world. Today, National Geographic took advantage of this trend in order to showcase some of the most beautiful owls they have photographed over the years. You can find many of them in photo galleries they posted on their website. Other companies such as Discovery Channel are doing this as well.

What is a superb owl?

This actualy goes to any animal themed Twitter or Instagram account that wants to feature these beautiful animals. A trend that was popularized by comedian Stephen Colbert, this has quickjly become a tradition on Super Bowl day in order to distract all people who don't really care about the big game. However, the overwhelming majority of the people this Sunday will at least know the Super Bowl is taking place in Los Angeles. This campaign is also a great opportunity for conservationists to offer more education on how to deal with an owl if you get to find one on the wild. Taking photographs of these exotic animals is not as easy as it sounds.

There are many ways to approach an animal as majestic as an owl and finding one in the wild seems almost impossible. In fact, since most of them have night vision, they don't usually come out during the day so often. Plus, they camuflage artists so finding one during the day will be just as impossible due to how great they blend their colors with nature. If you are curious to find pictures of superb owls, try the hashtag #SuperbOwl but you might just find football stuff. However, you can also try the hashtag #EthicalOwlPhotography in order to find some beautiful snaps.
