Is MJF on the verge of losing his AEW World Championship and bidding farewell to the promotion before the year 2023 concludes? The signs are pointing in that direction.

The Devil is set to defend his title against Bullet Club Gold's leader, Jay White, at Full Gear. However, it looks like his championship reign may be coming to an end. MJF has been vocal about a supposed bidding war for his services in 2024 when his AEW contract expires.

Recent developments have further raised eyebrows among fans. A cryptic, deleted tweet mentioning "58 days," which coincides with the end of the year, has added fuel to the speculation about his contract.

Another major sign points towards Maxwell not having re-signed with the promotion. On the latest edition of Dynamite, Tony Khan announced All In at Wembley Stadium in London in August 2024. The promotional poster prominently features several AEW stars, but MJF is notably absent.

The question remains: Is MJF's potential departure from AEW a work, or is it possible that he could lose his title at Full Gear against Jay White because he has not re-signed with the promotion? Or could it all be a storyline to keep the fans hooked on his bidding war story? Only time will tell.

Ric Flair wants to share the ring with AEW World Champion MJF

WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair, who recently signed a two-year deal with All Elite Wrestling, has set his sights on World Champion MJF.

In an interview with Variety, Flair said he was dying to share the ring with MJF in a promo segment.

“I can still talk better than anybody. They’ll find out if they turn me loose. I’m dying to go one on one with MJF, man. It would get a rating too. ‘Let’s talk, young man,'” Ric Flair said.

It will be interesting to see if Tony Khan books any segments involving MJF and The Nature Boy before the end of the year.

Do you think MJF has already re-signed with Tony Khan's promotion? Sound off in the comments section below.

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