Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga explores much of the Star Wars universe, whether in bite-sized pieces or big, open-world levels. Players are allowed to experience iconic places that have made people fans of the franchise, like icy Hoth or the two stars that hang high in Tatooine’s sky.
One great example is the beautiful and lush planet of Naboo, first appearing in Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Naturally, it’s full of side missions and secrets, like the ‘Toydarian Trade’ challenge in Theed.
According to a nosy Naboo resident, there’s a Toydarian that appears sketchy — and who could blame him? The Toydarian is located in a dark corner. If gamers are scratching their head over the ‘Toydarian Trade’ challenge in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, here’s what to do.
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga: Completing ‘Toydarian Trade’ challenge
First, users will have to unlock Theed, Naboo in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. This is done relatively early in Episode 1: The Phantom Menace during the story missions. To find the ‘Toydarian Trade’ challenge, players can start by:
- Step 1: Locating the Theed Royal Palace. Stand facing the palace.
- Step 2: On the left-hand side, hugging the temple, are a set of stairs.
- Step 3: In front of a tree is a person of interest, with the ‘i’ marker above their head.
That’s the Nosy Naboo. Speaking with him will give players the sense that this person isn’t too keen on the Tetchy Toydarian nearby. They even show you where the Toydarian is located, not too far from where users are standing. Speaking with the Tetchy Toydarian does nothing.
To get the Tetchy Toydarian to spill the beans, gamers will need a Force-user that can use Mind Tracks on NPCs in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. It can be a Jedi, like Yoda, or a Sith character; what matters is that they can use Mind Tricks.
- Step 4: Use Mind Tricks on the Nosy Naboo. Pick ‘Influence’ to take control of them.
- Step 5: Walk Nosy Naboo over to the Tetchy Toydarian.
- Step 6: Use Mind Tricks again and pick ‘Distract.’
- Step 7: Let the Nosy Naboo free and speak to the Tetchy Toydarian.
Apparently, someone dancing is precisely the kind of sign the Toydarian was looking for. He’ll hand over a Trade Federation Shuttle starship as a reward, and the ‘Toydarian Trade’ challenge is completed in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.
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