Canelo Alvarez is undoubtedly the biggest draw in boxing today. The number one pound-for-pound boxer is not only committed to his craft but is a dedicated family man. Canelo has three children: two girls and a boy.

Alvarez had his first child as a teenager. He was 16 years old when he found out his girlfriend was pregnant. Unlike most teenagers his age, Canelo's instant reaction was to move in with his girlfriend Karen Beltran, and face the responsibility head-on.

Canelo's oldest daughter, Emily Cinnamon Alvarez, was born in 2007 and is now 17 years old. Though the couple separated shortly after their daughter's birth, Canelo is actively involved in the child's life.

You can hear Alvarez talk about his experience of becoming a teenage father in his interview with Graham Bensinger below:

Canelo Alvarez has two more children. His next child was a daughter, Maria Fernanda Alvarez, who was born in 2017. She is the daughter of Canelo and Fernanda Gomez and is six years old.

Alvarez's youngest child is his son, Saul Adiel Sepulveda, who was born in 2019. He is the child of Canelo and former girlfriend Nadia Sepulveda, who was also the boxer's business partner. Alvarez's son is now four years old.

Canelo is rumored to have a third daughter named Mia Ener Alvarez with his former girlfriend, Valeria Quiroz. However, the boxer has never confirmed this news.

As seen in the Graham Bensinger interview, which was released on April 28, 2021, ahead of his fight with Billy Joe Saunders, Canelo states he has three children.

Canelo Alvarez tied the knot after a thumping victory in 2021

Back in 2021, Canelo Alvarez was on a mission to unify the super middleweight titles. He defeated Billy Joe Saunders in May 2021 to retain the WBA (Super), WBC, and The Ring super middleweight titles and added the WBO title to his accomplishments.

Shortly after the win, Canelo got married to his girlfriend Fernanda Gomez. The couple has been in a relationship since 2016. Gomez is a social media star and has a whopping 1.3 million followers on Instagram. She also runs a nailbar and boutique in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Things are great for Canelo on the professional front as well. The 33-year-old is still one of the best boxers in the world. He will fight the junior middleweight champion Jermell Charlo on September 30. David Benavidez is the likely next opponent for Canelo if he gets the job done against Charlo.

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