Ebanie Bridges and Elle Brooke were recently involved in a good-natured ribbing. The pair are known for their close friendship due to their mutual love for boxing and often poke fun at each other. Brooke recently took to Instagram where she posted a short satirical video of herself.
The video in question is shot from a point-of-view perspective, with Brooke poking fun at herself by lambasting an unseen male sexual partner for underperforming, especially given that she, as the video jokingly claims, has slept with roughly 800 men. This drew the attention of Ebanie Bridges, who commented on the post.
Bridges taunted the influencer boxer by expressing faux shock that she has only slept with 800 men, before punctuating her comment by claiming to have overestimated Brooke. The pair's friendship has been mutually beneficial, with Ebanie Bridges offering Elle Brooke her boxing wisdom.
Meanwhile, Brooke enlightened Bridges on the ins and outs of OnlyF*ns, influencing her to join the platform back in December. As far as their respective boxing journeys are concerned, Elle Brooke is currently undefeated as an influencer boxer, with three wins to her name.
Ebanie Bridges, however, is far more accomplished. She is a professional boxer, who has held the IBF women's bantamweight belt since March 26, 2022. Across her 10 professional bouts, she has only ever tasted defeat once, against Shannon Courtenay, a former WBA titleholder.
What is Elle Brooke's relationship with Conor McGregor?
While Elle Brooke is yet to meet former UFC double champion Conor McGregor in an official capacity, the influencer boxer has claimed that the Irishman has been a source of inspiration for her in her journey through combat sports. When generating hype for her bouts, Brooke tries to emulate McGregor the best she can.
Her good friend Ebanie Bridges, however, has met 'The Notorious'. She has a close relationship with the UFC superstar and even claimed to have opened McGregor's mind to potentially creating an OnlyF*ns account.
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